State policy data as of December 31, 2022 (statutory date of enactment) and calendar and fiscal year 2022 for non-statutory, statistical data are now available on the Data page. Quite a few new variables are available, and in some cases data now go back as far as 1913. The Freedom in the 50 States study and associated dataset have also been released.
Author: JS
State Data Updated
New datasets have dropped! You can now find state policy data up to year-end 2019 or 2020, depending on the file, in the Data section of the website. The R code for importing the CSVs has also been updated. Finally, some dead links on Jason’s bio and research page have been fixed.
CSV Files Now Available
As we move toward ease of use in the R tidyverse, we have begun by adding CSV versions of all datasets and metadata to the Data page. The Excel workbooks still have some features that the CSV files lack, such as comment fields explaining codings for individual cells and automatically updating formulas.
Policy Liberalism & Civil Libertarianism Indices Available
The summary spreadsheet with all “top-level” policy variables and annual policy liberalism and civil libertarianism scores for all 50 states for 2000-2016 are now available on the Data page.
We’re Back
Our former host went down without warning and the entire website and associated data were unavailable for some weeks. We are in the process of restoring all the information from the old website. We continue to update the data and have decided to share with other researchers the latest data. You will find some missing data in these spreadsheets, but we are endeavoring to code every single variable for every year as of December 31 (date of enactment) between 2000 and 2016. Some policies have data going back to the 1950s or even 1930s. will continue to be political scientists’ go-to source for the most comprehensive data on state and local public policies over time.